Friday, March 6, 2015

Vemana Telugu Padyalu

Welcome to the world of the great 'yogi vemana' telugu padyalu...

Vemana satakam was composed by “Kumaragiri Vemareddy” popularly known as Yogi Vemana, a 14th century Telugu poet.

He used simple colloquial language in his poems with native Idioms. A poet of the people, a philosopher of equality and a fighting saint, his poems were a direct comment on the social structure at that time, which are relevant even to contemporary society. His satakas are known by his name as Vemana Satakam.

The meter chosen by Vemana for his poetry is “Ataveladi (which literally mean danseuse). The structure of his poems is of 4 lines, with the last line being “Viswadabhirama Vinura Vema” – a chorus, which meant “The beloved of Vishwada, Listen O Vemana!!”

His specialty is being the Chaatu padyam, a genre of poetry – poems with hidden meaning. So high was the regard for Vemana that a popular Telugu saying goes 'Vemana's word is the word of the Vedas'.